Class ExternalPmessage

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExternalPmessage
extends Pmessage
The ExternalPmessage is a subtype of Pmessage that is used for message exchange beyond the confines of a single location. This class is a placeholder - code has not been developed and tested yet.

In a typical use of this class, the innermost secure portions of the system will work with a Pmessage object which is converted to a secure External Pmessage before it leaves the secure portion.

The main differences relative to the superclass are these:

  • There is a new field which is the checksum of the message body. If the message body is not present, this field can be blank.
  • The brokerId, marketId, subject and sessionId fields are encrypted using the public key of the recipient. This prevents unauthorized parties from intercepting and reading the fields.
  • There is a digital signature that is created from the combination of these fields: senderId, recipientId, brokerId, marketId, sessionId, subject and checksum. Note that combination uses the encrypted value of these fields except for the first two. The signature uses the private key of the sender.This ensures the authenticity of the document.
  • The message body is a binary copy of the Pmessage body formed by encrypting the original content with the public key of the recipient. Again, this thwarts eavesdroppers.
  • See Also:
    Serialized Form