Package pygar.configuration
Classes that determine the configuration for running an application.
The configuration step begins in each application when the application instantiates a single object of a subclass of the class Profile. That single object can be obtained at any point in the code by a call to Profile.getProfile. The Profile object contains configuration information obtained in three ways:
- exemplar objects with methods that perform a useful algorithm implemented in a particular way. Different applications might be configured to use different implementations for different reasons.
- properties that are read from file, e.g., these properties may set the paths to files or the names of the current application or other entity.
- cryptographic algorithms selected by the Java class loader. The configuration software does not influence this selection. It is determined by the cryptographic service providers installed in the host computer that runs the Pygar software.
Class Summary Class Description CopyrightNotice The comments in this otherwise empty class provide a copy of the copyright notice for the Java software and related files of the Pygar Project.Profile This abstract class defines objects that are used to perform initialization and configuration for applications.ProfileInitParams -
Enum Summary Enum Description ProfileInitParams.MessageServiceType -
Exception Summary Exception Description ConfigurationError DocumentError This exception may be raised while reading or writing a document. -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description ClientOnly A unit annotated as "ClientOnly" contributes a function or algorithm that is used in an application for a client but never appears a match maker application.Dangerous A unit annotated as "Dangerous" contains code that was adopted for rapid prototyping but is not sufficiently secureMatchMakerOnly A unit annotated as "MatchMakerOnly" contributes a function or algorithm that is used in an application for match maker component but not in an application for the client of the match maker.PublicCoreSoftware A unit annotated as "PublicCoreSoftware" contains code that defines the essential core of the system that must be resistant to security attacks and inappropriate use of the features.RestrictedImport The use of modules annotated with @RestrictedImport should be limited because these modules have an ability to access security sensitive files and databases.