All Classes
Class | Description |
A BAN represents a Blind Agent Negotiator who works with the TeamMember instances to find
matches in encrypted negotiating positions presented by each TeamMember.
ClientOnly |
A unit annotated as "ClientOnly" contributes a function or algorithm that is
used in an application for a client but never appears a match maker application.
ClientProfile |
This subclass extends the Profile with encryption operations that
are used only by the innermost zone of client applications and never
in the blind-agent server.
CompareFiles |
This class contains methods to locate similar documents contained in two files.
ConfigurationError | |
CopyrightNotice |
The comments in this otherwise empty class provide a copy of the copyright
notice for the Java software and related files of the Pygar Project.
CryptoDefault |
CryptoDefault is the default provider for basic cryptographic services.
CryptoEngine |
Objects that implement the abstract class CryptoEngine supply methods for the standard
cryptography algorithms.
CryptoException |
The CryptoException collects and replaces a variety of exceptions that
might occur.
Dangerous |
A unit annotated as "Dangerous" contains code that was adopted for rapid
prototyping but is not sufficiently secure
DemoZero |
This class implements a demonstration of Blind Encrypted Data matching on
sets of text records.
DestinationVerifyFail |
This exception thrown if the document has been sent to the wrong site.
DocumentCrypto<KeyType,NameType,DocSchemaType,DocType> |
Work in progress -- may be altered considerably -- see below.
DocumentError |
This exception may be raised while reading or writing a
DocumentStoreNotFound |
This exception is thrown by any method that expects to find a document Store
but fails to find it.
EncryptedClearValue<ValueType> |
This data type is used for values in a negotiation position and
includes their unencrypted value, their fieldName in the XML schema,
and the type with respect to the encryption system: ftype.
EncryptedFieldTable |
An EncryptedFieldTable contains a table that lists those fields of an XML document that are
subject to partial encryption.
EncryptedFieldTable.EFTYPE |
The EFTYPE enumeration recites representation types that may be found while
reading an XML statement.
EncryptedFieldTable.RealRange |
A RealRange is just a pair of doubles indicating the lower and upper values
of a range of real values.
EncryptedFieldTable.Row |
The Row is the item stored in the table.
EventListener<T> |
The EventListener interface contains just one procedure which handles
an event by performing actions.
ExternalPmessage |
The ExternalPmessage is a subtype of Pmessage that is used for message exchange beyond
the confines of a single location.
FieldCrypto |
Perform the innermost encryption step: the encryption of fields but not the
semantic tags of the statements.
FieldCryptoDemo1 | |
FieldCryptoXmlTxt0 |
Perform the innermost encryption step: the encryption of fields but not the
semantic tags of the statements.
FieldMatchList |
A class that supports the FieldMatchList interface will allow the specification of
a match operation between records in two different negotiation positions.
FieldMatchList.MATCHACTION |
The MATCHACTION enumeration lists the possible actions as a consequence of a
successful match between record fields.
FileStore |
This implements document storage through the file system.
GuardedBy |
The field or method to which this annotation is applied can only be accessed
when holding a particular lock, which may be a built-in (synchronization) lock,
or may be an explicit java.util.concurrent.Lock.
IdentifyOthers<NameType,KeyType> |
This interface describes the component that will provide a public
identifer for an agent.
IdentifySelf<NameType,KeyType> |
This interface describes the component that will retrieve the
private key for an agent.
Immutable |
The class to which this annotation is applied is immutable.
InboundOperations |
All work on this interface is TBD.
ItemNotFound |
This exception raised when the name of an XML item cannot be found in any of the
expected definitions.
KeyNotFound |
The KeyNotFound exception is thrown when an access to a KeyStore fails to find a key.
KeyStoreAccess | |
KeyStoreAccessDemo0 |
The KeyStoreAccessDemo0 class implements the KeyStoreAccess abstract class in
a manner sufficient for the demonstration.
KeyStoreAccessZone10FS |
The KeyStoreAccessZone10FS class implements the KeyStoreAccess abstract class
keystore on a local file store in zone10.
KeyStoreFS |
This class contains methods to read and write a secret key stored in a file
in the file system.
KeyStoreType |
An enumeration for the types of keys in the system.
Matcher<T,Tout> |
The Match interface describes the basic features of a matchmaker process that
the broker runs to compare negotiating positions and discover a basis for
MatchMakerOnly |
A unit annotated as "MatchMakerOnly" contributes a function or algorithm that is
used in an application for match maker component but not in an application for
the client of the match maker.
MessageAgent |
The MessageAgent class is the super class for all the active participants in the system: BAN and TeamMember.
MessageSystemException |
This exception may be raised while sending or receiving
Pmessage objects.
NegotiationGroupStateMachine |
A class used in a Blind Agent Negotiator (BAN) application to keep track of the negotiation
NotThreadSafe |
The class to which this annotation is applied is not thread-safe.
NumberConceal | |
OperationsManager |
The OperationsManager creates a control panel that an operator can use
to start, run, and stop the demonstration.
OrderedStateMachine<T> |
OrderedStateMachine is a StateMachine for which the states are defined in a
particular order.
OutboundOperations |
All work on this interface is TBD.
Pair<A,B> |
n.b., the Pygar Project uses the Pair class in a very early unit called
Pmessage |
The Pmessage class extends the PmessageBase class to provide a message type
with various options for bod content.
PmessageBase |
The PmessageBase class describes simple messages passed between applications to
serve as protocol events.
PmessageBodyType |
Enumerate the types of content that might be carried by a Pmessage.
PmessageDispatcher |
A PmessageDispatcher will receive Pmessage objects from an observed source and will dispatch
them as updates to the appropriate state machine or compatible observer.
PmessageJMSv0 |
The PmessageJMSv0 class extends the PmessageBase class to provide a message type
with additional fields.
PmessageStateMachine |
This class specializes StateMachine for the Type Pmessage and extends
it to include an associated sessionID, which ID is also
included in the Context of the notifications sent to Observers.
PmessageSystem |
The PmessageSystem abstract class contains virtual methods that send Pmessages
and get them.
PmessageSystemEE |
A specialization of the PmessageSystem interface that adds a constructor that
require more configuration information and allows the proper initialization
of a Java EE implementation.
PmsgComplexStateMachine |
This class implements a special type of compound state machine that is composed
of instances of the PmessageStateMachine superclass.
PrepareNegotiationFromText |
Off-line program that prepares text for demo0.
Profile |
This abstract class defines objects that are used to perform initialization and
configuration for applications.
ProfileDemo0 |
This class is used to initialize a configuration for Demo0.
ProfileInitParams | |
ProfileInitParams.MessageServiceType | |
PublicCoreSoftware |
A unit annotated as "PublicCoreSoftware" contains code that defines the
essential core of the system that must be resistant to security
attacks and inappropriate use of the features.
RestrictedImport |
The use of modules annotated with @RestrictedImport should be limited
because these modules have an ability to access security
sensitive files and databases.
SequenceDisplayMachine |
The SequenceDisplayMachine is a helper class used with StateMachine.
SessionDoc |
An object implementing the SessionDoc interface will contain essential annotation needed
to route documents used in a BEDM session.
SessionDoc.Direction | |
SessionKeyStore |
This interface declares methods to read and write a secret key used to conceal
session data.
SessionKeyStoreImpl | |
SimpleFieldMatchList |
This class supports the FieldMatchList interface and accepts
specifications of a match operation between records in two different negotiation positions.
SimpleMessageSystem |
The SimpleMessageSystem implements message passing between threads that share memory and
file space.
SimpleXmlMatcher |
The SimpleXmlMatcher looks for matching records in XML documents according to a
specification contained in a FieldMatchList object.
SourceVerifyFail |
This exception thrown if the document has been sent to the wrong site.
StateMachine<T> |
This class implements simple state machines that respond to events.
Store |
This interface contains a method to create a Input or Output stream
associated with a document in the system.
Store.StoreType | |
TeamMember |
A TeamMember represents one of the parties in a blind negotiation.
ThreadSafe |
The class to which this annotation is applied is thread-safe.